ISSN: 1683-3198
e-ISSN: 2309-4524
DOI: 10.34028/iajit
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Volume 14, Number 05, September 2017
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Multi-criteria Selection of the Computer Configuration for Engineering Design
Abstract: The problems of choosing the PC configuration are Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) problems. The paper
#Computer configurations
# PROMETHEE method
# delphi technique
# information technology projects Received February 27
# 2014; accepted August 16
# 2015 1
An SNR Unaware Large Margin Automatic Modulations Classifier in Variable SNR
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad
#Automatic modulation classification
# pattern recognition
# partially supervised classification
#passive-aggressive classifier
# SNR un-aware classification
Interactive Video Retrieval Using Semantic Level Features and Relevant Feedback
But, most of the works are concentrated on extracting features low level features. But, the relevant videos can be missed out if
#shot detection
# color
# shape
# texture
# video retrieval
# relevant feedback
An Approach for Instance Based Schema Matching
Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia
#Schema matching
# instance based schema matching
# Google similarity
# regular expression
Analysis and Performance Evaluation of Cosine Neighbourhood Recommender System
Abstract: Growth of technology and innovation leads to large and complex data which is coined as Bigdata. As the quantity of
#Big Data
# Recommender System
# Cosine Neighbourhood Similarity
# Recommender Evaluator
Diagnosis of Leptomeningeal Metastases Disease in MRI Images by Using Image Enhancement
#Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) examination
# Computed Tomography (CT)
# Image Enhancement methods
# Leptomeningeal Metastases
# Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
A Metrics Driven Design Approach for Real Time Environment Application
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Lahore,
Enhanced Clustering-Based Topic Identification of Transcribed Arabic Broadcast News
techniques. The enhancement includes applying new stemming technique “rule-based light stemming” to balance the negative
#Arabic speech transcription
# topic clustering
Combination of Multiple Classifiers for Off-Line Handwritten Arabic Word Recognition
#Handwritten Arabic word recognition
# Classifier combination
# Support vector machine
# Fuzzy K-nearest neighbor
# Discrete cosine transform
# Histogram of oriented gradients
A Novel Approach for Sentiment Analysis of Punjabi Text using SVM
#Sentiment analysis
# subjective lexicon
# punjabi language
# n-gram modeling
# support vector machine
Generalization of Impulse Noise Removal Hussain Dawood1, Hassan Dawood2, and Ping Guo3 1Faculty of Computing and Information Technology, University of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia 2Department of Software Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology, Pakistan 3Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Laboratory, Beijing Normal University, China
are proposed to increase from four to eight directions to preserve the edges and to identify the noise, effectively. Modified
#Directional weighted median filter
# multi-texton
# impulse noise
# random-valued impulse noise
# salt-and-pepper noise
# noise identification
# modified switching median filter
Service-Oriented Process Modelling for Device Control in Future Networks
Abstract: The recent advancements in the fields of electronics, information and communication technologies have paved a
#Process modelling
# future networks
# device profile
# device control
Features Modelling in Discrete and Continuous Hidden Markov Models for Handwritten Arabic
1 Laboratory of Science and Information Technologies and Communication, University of 8 Mai 1945 of
#Recognition of the handwritten arabic words
# holistic approach
# k-means
# wk-means
# algorithm of Viterbi
# modified EM algorithm
Rule Schema Multi-Level for Local Patterns Analysis: Application in Production Field
Abstract: Recently, Multi-Database Mining (MDBM) for association rules has been recognized as an important and timely
# association rules
# exceptional rules
# global rules
# ontology
An Improved Statistical Model of Appearance under Partial Occlusion
Abstract: The Appearance Models (AMs) are widely used in many applications related to face recognition, expression
#Computer vision
# appearance model
# partial occlusion
# robust error functions
# CIECAM02 appearance model
SAK-AKA: A Secure Anonymity Key of Authentication and Key Agreement protocol for
Department of Computer Science and Information, Aljouf University, Saudi Arabia
# LTE network
# IPsec protocol
# UMTS-AKA protocol
# EPS-AKA protocol
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