
Reliability-Aware: Task Scheduling in Cloud Computing Using Multi-Agent Reinforcement
Cloud computing becomes the basic alternative platform for the most users application in the recent years. The
complexity increasing in cloud environment due to the continuous development of resources and applications needs a
concentrated integrated fault tolerance approach to provide the quality of service. Focusing on reliability enhancement in an
environment with dynamic changes such as cloud environment, we developed a multi-agent scheduler using Reinforcement
Learning (RL) algorithm and Neural Fitted Q (NFQ) to effectively schedule the user requests. Our approach considers the
queue buffer size for each resource by implementing the queue theory to design a queue model in a way that each scheduler
agent has its own queue which receives the user requests from the global queue. A central learning agent responsible of
learning the output of the scheduler agents and direct those scheduler agents through the feedback claimed from the previous
step. The dynamicity problem in cloud environment is managed in our system by employing neural network which supports the
reinforcement learning algorithm through a specified function. The numerical result demonstrated an efficiency of our
proposed approach and enhanced the reliability.
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