
Parallel Scalable Approximate Matching Algorithm for Network Intrusion Detection Systems
Matching algorithms are working to find the exact or the approximate matching between text “T” and pattern “P”,
due to the development of a computer processor, which currently contains a set of multi-cores, multitasks can be performed
simultaneously. This technology makes these algorithms work in parallel to improve their speed matching performance.
Several exact string matching and approximate matching algorithms have been developed to work in parallel to find the
correspondence between text “T” and pattern “P”. This paper proposed two models: First, parallelized the Direct Matching
Algorithm (PDMA) in multi-cores architecture using OpenMP technology. Second, the PDMA implemented in Network
Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS) to enhance the speed of the NIDS detection engine. The PDMA can be achieved more than
19.7% in parallel processing time compared with sequential matching processing. In addition, the performance of the NIDS
detection engine improved for more than 8% compared to the current SNORT-NIDS detection engine.
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