Development and Implementation of a Video Watermarking Method Based on DCT Transform
This paper presents a new color video watermarking technique based on the one-dimensional Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT). This approach uses a differential embedding technique to insert the bits of the watermark into the video frames so that the extraction process is blind and straightforward. To further ensure the security of the method, the binary image watermark is scrambled using Arnold transform before embedded into the video segment. Also, a color space transformation from Red, Green and Blue (RGB) to YUV is performed in order to deal with the color nature of the video segments. The proposed approach exhibits good robustness against a wide range of attacks such as video compression, cropping, Gaussian filtering, and noise adding. Finally, we propose an implementation of the video watermarking technique using the Raspberry Pi 3 platform. Nearly the same remarks may be made as in the simulation resultsconcerning the robustness against video compression attacks.
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