
Improvement of Imperialist Competitive Algorithm based on the Cosine Similarity Criterion of
The goal of optimizing the best acceptable answer is according to the limitations and needs of the problem. For a
problem, there are several different answers that are defined to compare them and select an optimal answer; a function is
called a target function. The choice of this function depends on the nature of the problem. Sometimes several goals are
together optimized; such optimization problems are called multi-objective issues. One way to deal with such problems is to
form a new objective function in the form of a linear combination of the main objective functions. In the proposed approach, in
order to increase the ability to discover new position in the Imperialist Competitive Algorithm (ICA), its operators are
combined with the particle swarm optimization. The colonial competition optimization algorithm has the ability to search
global and has a fast convergence rate, and the particle swarm algorithm added to it increases the accuracy of searches. In
this approach, the cosine similarity of the neighboring countries is measured by the nearest colonies of an imperialist and
closest competitor country. In the proposed method, by balancing the global and local search, a method for improving the
performance of the two algorithms is presented. The simulation results of the combined algorithm have been evaluated with
some of the benchmark functions. Comparison of the results has been evaluated with respect to metaheuristic algorithms such
as Differential Evolution (DE), Ant Lion Optimizer (ALO), ICA, Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), and Genetic Algorithm
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