
Computer Vision in Contactless Biometric Systems Farukh Hashmi1, Kiran Ashish2, Satyarth Katiyar3, and Avinash Keskar4 1Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, National Institute of Technology, India 2Computer Vision Engineer, Viume, India 3Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Harcourt Butler Technical University, India 4Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Visvesvaraya National Institute of
Contactless biometric systems have increased ever since the corona pandemic outbreak. The two main contactless
biometric systems are facial recognition and gait patterns recognition. The authors in the previous work [11] have built hybrid
architecture AccessNet. It involves combination of three systems: facial recognition, facial anti-spoofing, and gait recognition.
This work involves deploying the hybrid architecture and deploying two individual systems such as facial recognition with facial
anti-spoofing and gait recognition individually and comparing the individual results in real-time with the AccessNet hybrid
architecture results. This work even involves in identifying the main crucial features from each system that are responsible for
predicting a subject. It includes extracting few crucial parameters from gait recognition architecture, facial recognition and
facial anti-spoof architectures by visualizing the hidden layers. Each individual method is trained and tested in real-time, which
is deployed on both edge device NvidiaJetsonNano, and high-end GPU. A conclusion is also adapted in terms of commercial
and research usage for each single method after analysing the real-time test results.
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