
Encoding Gene Expression Using Deep Autoencoders for Expression Inference
Gene expression of an organism contains all the information that characterises its observable traits. Researchers
have invested abundant time and money to quantitatively measure the expressions in laboratories. On account of such
techniques being too expensive to be widely used, the correlation between expressions of certain genes was exploited to
develop statistical solutions. Pioneered by the National Institutes of Health Library of Integrated Network-Based Cellular
Signature (NIH LINCS) program, expression inference techniques has many improvements over the years. The Deep Learning
for Gene expression (D-GEX) project by University of California, Irvine approached the problem from a machine learning
perspective, leading to the development of a multi-layer feedforward neural network to infer target gene expressions from
clinically measured landmark expressions. Still, the huge number of genes to be inferred from a limited set of known
expressions vexed the researchers. Ignoring possible correlation between target genes, they partitioned the target genes
randomly and built separate networks to infer their expressions. This paper proposes that the dimensionality of the target set
can be virtually reduced using deep autoencoders. Feedforward networks will be used to predict the coded representation of
target expressions. In spite of the reconstruction error of the autoencoder, overall prediction error on the microarray based
Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) dataset was reduced by 6.6%, compared to D-GEX. An improvement of 16.64% was
obtained on cross platform normalized data obtained by combining the GEO dataset and an RNA-Seq based 1000G dataset.
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