
Traffic-Aware Clustering Scheme for MANET Using Modified Elephant Herding Optimization
Clustering is the prevalent routing method in the large-scale Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET). The Cluster-Heads
(CHs) play an important role in routing as it is transient through all communications of its associated nodes. To ensure
fairness in the use of energy in all clusters, each CH has to deal with same amount of traffic. The previous clustering methods
focused mainly on the distribution of equal member nodes in each cluster. They failed to consider every cluster's traffic
generated. This paper introduces a novel technique for MANET clustering with Modified Elephant Herding Optimization
based on the traffic generated within each cluster. This Traffic-Aware Clustering with Modified Elephants Herding
Optimization (TAC-MEHO) produces optimized clusters for stable communication and is experimentally tested with well-
known clustering techniques. Assessment metrics such as number of Cluster-Heads (CHs), lifetime of the network, and re-
clustering rates are measured using various parameter values such as network size, network traffic and transmission distance.
The results show that proposed TAC-MEHO improves the re-clustering rate by 91% and 58% when compared with Weighted
Clustering Algorithm (WCA) and WCA-GA respectively. Further, it improves the network lifetime by 89% and 88 % over WCA
and WCA-GA respectively.
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[CSE] from Anna Univerdity during 2007. He completed his Ph.D in Anna university, India during 2018. He is working as Assistant Professor in CSE, Kongu Engineering College, India. His research interests include Adhoc Networks, software engineering and Nature Inspired Computing Latha Sevalaiappan received BE
[CSE] and ME
[CSE] from Bharathiar University during 2001 and 2004 respectively. She completed her Ph.D in Anna university, India during 2018. She is working as Assistant Professor in CSE, Kongu Engineering College, India. Her research interests include Adhoc Networks, Soft Computing and Machine Learning. Suganthe Ravichandran received BE
[CSE] and ME
[CSE] from Bharathiar University during 1991 and 2004 respectively. She completed her Ph.D in Anna University, India during 2010. She is working as Professor in CSE, Kongu Engineering College, India. Her research interests include Adhoc Networks, Network security and Deep Learning.