
A Novel Method for Gender and Age Detection Based on EEG Brain Signals
This paper presents a new gender and age classification system based on Electroencephalography (EEG) brain
signals. First, Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT) technique is used to get the time-frequency information of only one EEG
electrode for eight distinct emotional states instead of the ordinary neutral or relax states. Then, sequential steps are
implemented to extract the improved grayscale image feature. For system evaluation, a three-fold-cross validation strategy is
applied to construct four different classifiers. The experimental test shows that the proposed extracted feature with
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) classifier improves the performance of both gender and age classification, and achieves
an average accuracy of 96.3% and 89% for gender and age classification, respectively. Moreover, the ability to predict human
gender and age during the mood of different emotional states is practically approved.
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