
A Novel Secure Video Steganography Technique using Temporal Lifted Wavelet Transform and
Steganography is a term that refers to the process of concealing secret data inside a cover media which can be
audio, image and video. A new video steganography scheme in the wavelet domain is presented in this paper. Since the
convolutional discrete wavelet transform produces float numbers, a lifted wavelet transform is used to conceal data. The
method embeds secret data in the detail coefficients of each temporal array of the cover video at spatial localization using a
unique embedding via YCbCr color space and complementing the secret data to minimize error in the stego video before
embedding. Three secret keys are used in the scheme. Method’s performance matrices such as peak signal to noise ratio and
Normalized Cross Correlation (NCC) expresses good imperceptibility for the stego-video. The value of Peak Signal to Noise
Ratio (PSNR) is in range of 34-40dB, and high embedding capacity.
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