
Using Total Probability in Image Template
Image template matching is a main task in photogrammetry and computer vision. The matching can be used to
automatically determine the 3D coordinates of a point. A firstborn image matching method in fields of photogrammetry and
computer vision is area-based matching, which is based on correlation measuring that uses normalised cross-correlation.
However, this method fails at a discontinuous edge and at the area of low illumination or at geometric distortion because of
changes in imaging location. Thus, these points are considered outliers. The proposed method measures correlations, which is
based on normalised cross-correlation, at each point by using various sizes of window and then considering the probability of
correlations for each window. Thereafter, the determined probability values are integrated. On the basis of a specific
threshold value, the point of maximum total probability correlation is recognised as a corresponding point. The algorithm is
applied to aerial images for Digital Surface Model (DSM) generation. Results show that the corresponding points are
identified successfully at different locations, especially at a discontinuous point, and that a Digital Surface Model of high
resolution is generated.
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