
A Smart Card Oriented Secure Electronic Voting Machine Built on NTRU
Free and fair elections are indispensable to quantify the sentiments of the populace for forming the government of
representatives in democratic countries. Due to its procedural variation from country to country and complexity, to
maneuverer, it is a challenging task. Since the Orthodox paper-based electoral systems are slow and error-prone, therefore, a
secure and efficient electoral system always remained a key area of research. Although a lot of literature is available on this
topic. However, due to reported anomalies and weaknesses in American and France election in 2016, it once again has
become a pivotal subject of research. In this article, we proposed a new secure and efficient electronic voting scheme based on
public key cryptosystem dubbed as Number Theory Research Unit (NTRU). Furthermore, an efficient and robust three factors
authentication protocol based on a personalized memorable password, a smartcard, and bioHash is proposed to validate the
legitimacy of a voter for casting a legal vote. NTRU based blind signatures are used to preserve the anonymity and privacy of
vote and voters, whereas the proficiency of secure and efficient counting of votes is achieved through NTRU based
homomorphic tally. Non-coercibility and individual verifiability are attained through Mark Pledge scheme. The proposed
applied electronic voting scheme is, secure, transparent and efficient for large scale elections.
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