
A Novel Image Retrieval Technique using Automatic and Interactive Segmentation
In this paper, we present a new region-based image retrieval technique based on robust image segmentation.
Traditional content-based image retrieval deals with the global description of a query image. We combine the state-of-the-art
segmentation algorithms with the traditional approach to narrow the area of interest to a specific region within a query image.
In case of automatic segmentation, the algorithm divides a query image automatically and computes Zernike moments for each
region. For interactive segmentation, our proposed scheme takes as input a query image and some information regarding the
region of interest. The proposed scheme then works by computing the Geodesic-based segmentation of the query image. The
segmented image is our region of interest which is then used for computing the Zernike moments. The Euclidean distance is
then used to retrieve different relevant images. The experimental results clearly show that the proposed scheme works
efficiently and produces excellent results.
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