
Incorporating Intelligence for Overtaking Moving Threatening Obstacles
Crowd management and fire safety studies indicate that the correct prediction of the threat caused by fire is crucial
behavior which could lead to survival. Incorporating intelligence into exit choice models for accomplishing evacuation
simulations involving such behavior is essential. Escaping from moving source of panic such as fire is of tremendous frightening
event while evacuation situation. Predicting the dynamic of fire spreading and the exit clogging are intelligent aspects which
help the individuals follow the correct behaviors for their evacuation. This article proposes an intelligent approach to
accomplishing typical evacuations. The agents are provided with the ability to find optimal routes that enable them overcome
spreading fire. Fire and safe floor fields are proposed to provide the agents with the capability of determining intermediate
points to compose optimal routes toward the effective chosen exit. The instinct human behavior of being far from the fire to
protect himself from sudden unexpected attack is introduced as essential factor risen in emergency situation. Simulations are
conducted in order to examine the simulated evacuees’ behavior regarding overtaking the fire and to test the efficiency of making
smart and effective decisions during emergency evacuation scenarios.
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