
Default Prediction Model: The Significant Role of
For financial institutions and the banking industry, it is very crucial to have predictive models for their core
financial activities, and especially those activities which play major roles in risk management. Predicting loan default is one of
the critical issues that banks and financial institutions focus on, as huge revenue loss could be prevented by predicting
customer’s ability not only to pay back, but also to be able to do that on time. Customer loan default prediction is a task of
proactively identifying customers who are most probably to stop paying back their loans. This is usually done by dynamically
analyzing customers’ relevant information and behaviors. This is significant so as the bank or the financial institution can
estimate the borrowers’ risk. Many different machine learning classification models and algorithms have been used to predict
F X V W R P H U V ¶ D E L O L W \ W R S D \ E D F N O R D Q V , Q W K L V S D S H U W K U H H G L I I H U H Q W F O D V V L I L F D W L R Q P H W K R G V 1 D w Y H % D \ H V ' H F L V L R Q Tree, and
Random Forest) are used for prediction, comprehensive different pre-processing techniques are being applied on the dataset
in order to gain better data through fixing some of the main data issues like missing values and imbalanced data, and three
different feature extractions algorithms are used to enhance the accuracy and the performance. Results of the competing
models were varied after applying data preprocessing techniques and features selections. The results were compared using F1
accuracy measure. The best model achieved an improvement of about 40%, whilst the least performing model achieved an
improvement of 3% only. This implies the significance and importance of data engineering (e.g., data preprocessing
techniques and features selections) course of action in machine learning exercises.
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