
Otsu s Thresholding Method Based on Plane Intercept Histogram and Geometric Analysis
The Three-Dimensional (3-D) Otsu’s method is an effective improvement on the traditional Otsu’s method.
However, it not only has high computational complexity, but also needs to improve its anti-noise ability. This paper presents a
new Otsu’s method based on 3-D histogram. This method transforms 3-D histogram into a 1-D histogram by a plane that is
perpendicular to the main diagonal of the 3-D histogram, and designs a new maximum variance criterion for threshold
selection. In order to enhance its anti-noise ability, a method based on geometric analysis, which can correct noise, is used for
image segmentation. Simulation experiments show that this method has stronger anti-noise ability and less time consumption,
comparing with the conventional 3-D Otsu’s method, the recursive 3-D Otsu’s method, the 3-D Otsu’s method with SFLA, the
equivalent 3-D Otsu’s method and the improved 3-D Otsu’s method.
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