
Text Similarity Computation Model for Identifying Rumor Based on Bayesian Network in Microblog
The research of text similarity, especially for rumor texts, which constructed the calculation model by known
rumors and calculated its similarity. From which, people can recognize the rumor in advance, and improve their vigilance to
effectively block and control rumors dissemination. Based on the Bayesian network, the similarity calculation model of
microblog rumor texts was built. At the same time, taking into account not only the rumor texts have similar characters, but
also the rumor producers have similar characters, and therefore the similarity calculation model of rumor texts makers was
constructed. Then, the similarity between the text and the user was integrated, and the microblog similarity calculation model
was established. Finally, also experimentally studied the performance of the proposed model on the microblog rumor text and
the user data set. The experimental results indicated that the similarity algorithm proposed in this paper could be used to
identify the rumors of texts and predict the characters of users more accurately and effectively.
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