
Improved Streaming Quotient Filter: A Duplicate Detection Approach for Data Streams
The unprecedented development and popularization of the Internet, combined with the emergence of a variety of
modern applications, such as search engines, online transactions, climate warning systems and so on, enables the worldwide
storage of data to grow unprecedented. Efficient storage, management and processing of such huge amounts of data has
become an important academic research topic. The detection and removal of duplicate and redundant data from such multi-
trillion data, while ensuring resource and computational efficiency, has constituted a challenging area of research.Because of
the fact that all the data of potentially unbounded data streams can not be stored, and the need to delete duplicated data as
accurately as possible, intelligent approximate duplicate data detection algorithms are urgently required. Many well-known
methods based on the bitmap structure, Bloom Filter and its variants are listed in the literature. In this paper, we propose a
new data structure, Improved Streaming Quotient Filter (ISQF), to efficiently detect and remove duplicate data in a data
stream. ISQF intelligently stores the signatures of elements in a data stream, while using an eviction strategy to provide near
zero error rates. We show that ISQF achieves near optimal performance with fairly low memory requirements, making it an
ideal and efficient method for repeated data detection. It has a very low error rate. Empirically, we compared ISQF with some
existing methods (especially Steaming Quotient Filter (SQF)). The results show that our proposed method outperforms
theexisting methods in terms of memory usage and accuracy.We also discuss the parallel implementation of ISQF.
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