
A Fast High Precision Skew Angle Estimation of Digitized Documents
In this paper, we treated the problem of automatic skew angle estimation of scanned documents. The skew of
document occurs very often, due to incorrect positioning of the documents or a manipulation error during scanning. This has
negative consequences on the steps of automatic analysis and recognition of text. It is therefore essential to verify, before
proceeding to these steps, the presence of skew on the document to be processed and to correct it. The difficulty of this
verification is associated to the presence of graphic zones, sometimes dominant, that have a considerable impact on the
accuracy of the text skew angle estimation. We also noted the importance of preprocessing to improve the accuracy and the
calculation cost of skew estimation approaches. These two elements have been taken into consideration in our design and
development of a new approach of skew angle estimation and correction. Our approach is based on local binarization
followed by horizontal smoothing by the Run Length Smoothing Algorithm (RLSA) method, detection of horizontal contours
and the Hierarchical Hough Transform (HHT). The algorithms involved in our approach have been chosen to guarantee a
skew estimation: accurate, fast and robust, especially to graphic dominance and real time application. The experimental tests
show the effectiveness of our approach on a representative database of the Document Image Skew Estimation Contest (DISEC)
contest International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR).
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