
F0 Modeling for Isarn Speech Synthesis using Deep Neural Networks and Syllable-level Feature
The generation of the fundamental frequency (F0) plays an important role in speech synthesis, which directly
influences the naturalness of synthetic speech. In conventional parametric speech synthesis, F0 is predicted frame-by-frame.
This method is insufficient to represent F0 contours in larger units, especially tone contours of syllables in tonal languages that
deviate as a result of long-term context dependency. This work proposes a syllable-level F0 model that represents F0 contours
within syllables, using syllable-level F0 parameters that comprise the sampling F0 points and dynamic features. A Deep Neural
Network (DNN) was used to represent the relationships between syllable-level contextual features and syllable-level F0
parameters. The proposed model was examined using an Isarn speech synthesis system with both large and small training sets.
For all training sets, the results of objective and subjective tests indicate that the proposed approach outperforms the baseline
systems based on hidden Markov models and DNNS that predict F0 values at the frame level.
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