
A Dynamic Particle Swarm Optimisation and Fuzzy Clustering Means Algorithm for
Fuzzy Clustering Means (FCM) algorithm is a widely used clustering method in image segmentation, but it often
falls into local minimum and is quite sensitive to initial values which are random in most cases. In this work, we consider the
extension to FCM to multimodal data improved by a Dynamic Particle Swarm Optimization (DPSO) algorithm which by
construction incorporates local and global optimization capabilities. Image segmentation of three-variate MRI brain data is
achieved using FCM-3 and DPSOFCM-3 where the three modalities T1-weighted, T2-weighted and Proton Density (PD), are
treated at once (the suffix-3 is added to distinguish our three-variate method from mono-variate methods usually using T1-
weighted modality). FCM-3 and DPSOFCM-3 were evaluated on several Magnetic Resonance (MR) brain images corrupted
by different levels of noise and intensity non-uniformity. By means of various performance criteria, our results show that the
proposed method substantially improves segmentation results. For noisiest and most no-uniform images, the performance
improved as much as 9% with respect to other methods.
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