
A Real Time Extreme Learning Machine for Software Development Effort Estimation
Software development effort estimation always remains a challenging task for project managers in a software
industry. New techniques are applied to estimate effort. Evaluation of accuracy is a major activity as many methods are
proposed in the literature. Here, we have developed a new algorithm called Real Time Extreme Learning Machine (RT-ELM)
based on online sequential learning algorithm. The online sequential learning algorithm is modified so that the extreme
learning machine learns continuously as new projects are developed in a software development organization. Performance of
the real time extreme learning machine is compared with training and testing methodology. Studies were also conducted using
radial basis function and additive hidden node. The accuracy of the Real time Extreme Learning machine with continuous
learning is better than the conventional training and testing method. The results also indicate that the performance of radial
basis function and additive hidden nodes is data dependent. The results are validated using data from academic setting and
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