
Evaluation of Grid Computing Environment Using TOPSIS
Grid evaluation approaches usually focus on some special aspects of grid environment and there have been few
researches on a technique which is able to comprehensively evaluate a grid system in terms of its performance. In this paper
an algorithm is proposed in order to evaluate the performance of grid environment based on4 metrics of reliability, task
execution time, resource utilization rate and load balance level. In the proposed algorithm, a new method for evaluating the
resource utilization rate has been presented. Also, in the paper an application of Technique for Order-Preference by Similarity
to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) is presented in order to choose the most efficient system based on these 4 metrics. Algorithm and
TOPSIS performances are demonstrated through analytical and numerical examples. Then, using simulation, it has been
demonstrated that the proposed algorithm estimates the amount of utilization rate with high accuracy. Using the suggested
approach, one can choose the most efficient algorithm so that a compromise is established between managers’ and users’
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