
An Efficiency Batch Authentication Scheme for Smart Grid Using Binary Authentication Tree
The Smart Grid (SG) is designed to replace traditional electric power infrastructure that manages electricity
demand in a sustainable, reliable and economic manner. Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) is proposed as a critical
part of the smart grid. The gateway of AMI receives and verifies a mass of data from smart meters within a required interval.
This paper focuses on the computation overhead of gateway, and proposes a batch authentication scheme based on binary
tree. The proposed scheme enables the gateway to batch authenticate data. The computation cost to verify all messages only
requires n multiplications and 2 pairing operations where n is the number of smart meters. That significantly reduces the
computation cost of gateway, especially when the number of smart meters in the AMI gets large. We analyze security and
performance of proposed scheme in detail to show that the proposed scheme is both secure and efficient for AMI in smart grid.
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