
Cloud Data Center Design using Delay Tolerant
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) that occupies the bottom tier in the cloud pyramid is a recently developed
technology in cloud computing. Organizations can move their applications to a cloud data center without remodelling it.
Cloud providers and consumers need to take into account the performance factors such as resource utilization of computing
resources, availability of resources caused by scheduling algorithms. Thus, an effective scheduling algorithm must strive to
maximize these performance factors. Designing a cloud data center that schedules computing resources and monitoring their
performances plays a leading challenge among the cloud researches. In this paper, we propose a data center design using
delay tolerant based priority queuing model for resource provisioning, by paying attention to individual customer attributes.
Priority selection process defines how to select the next customer to be served. The system has a priority based task classifier
and allocator that accept the customer’s request. Based on the rules defined in the rule engine, task classifier classifies each
request to a workload Priority classifier is modeled as M/M/S priority queue. The resource monitoring agent provides the
resource utilization scenario of cloud infrastructure in the form of dashboard to the task classifier for further resource
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