
Financial Development Indicators: A Comparative Study between Lebanon and Middle East Countries
Fighting poverty is one of the main objectives of sustainable development program. In a country like Lebanon,
where poverty is a real threat and hidden under a good living looking, the situation should be explored in depth. This paper
aims to evaluate the position of Lebanon compared to other Middle East countries in sustainable development. Furthermore,
our goal is to reveal the power and weaknesses of resources management, based on income and non-income indicators
retrieved from World data bank. For this purpose, we adopted a combination of data mining techniques as tools to study the
relationship between these indicators. The K-means clustering technique is used to define the different levels of living. In
order to extract the most relevant non-income indicators to our study, information gain as feature selection technique was
applied. Finally, k-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) classification technique was used for the predicting model.
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