
Modelling and Analysis of a Semantic Sensor Service Provider Ontology
The realization of Internet of Things has gained a huge amount of momentum in the past few years. It’s vision is to
interconnect devices from all over the world. These devices are heterogeneous and produce data that is multi modal and
diverse in nature. The heterogeneity of the devices and data makes interoperability an issue in IoT. In this paper we are
presenting the modelling of a semantic sensor service provider and its ontology i.e., the Sensor Service Provider (SSP)
ontology. The semantic sensor service provider is a module which is a part of a larger system i.e., a semantic IoT system based
on context aggregation of an indoor environment. To provide interoperability between the devices used by the system, we have
developed ontologies for each domain of the system. The modelling of the ontology presented in this paper reuses the SSN
ontology to define the basic concepts and observations of a sensor, and has been extended to define concepts related to the
module itself. Simple Protocol and Resource Description Framework (RDF) Query Language (SPARQL) queries are used to
retrieve data from the ontology as well as manipulate the data stored to it.
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