
An Efficient Steganographic Approach to HideInformation in Digital Audio using Modulus
This paper presents an efficient data hiding technique where the encrypted secret message has been hidden into
digital audio based on modified Exploiting Modification Direction (mEMD) technique. We put an effort to minimize the bit
alterations introduced in the host audio signal during data hiding process. The proposed scheme confirms that the maximum
change is less than 6.25% of the related audio sample and the average sample level error is less than 3%. The experimental
results ensure that the method has a higher embedding capacity (88.2 kbps), maintaining imperceptibility (Object Difference
Grades are between-0.10 and-0.31) and offer robustness against detection of intentional or unintentional audio signal attack
detection. Based on imperceptibility, security, robustness, and embedding capacity- performance has been evaluated.
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