Ensemble based on Accuracy and Diversity Weighting for Evolving Data Streams
Ensemble classification is an actively researched paradigm that has received much attention due to increasing real- world applications. The crucial issue of ensemble learning is to construct a pool of base classifiers with accuracy and diversity. In this paper, unlike conventional data-streams oriented ensemble methods, we propose a novel Measure via both Accuracy and Diversity (MAD) instead of one of them to supervise ensemble learning. Based on MAD, a novel online ensemble method called Accuracy and Diversity weighted Ensemble (ADE) effectively handles concept drift in data streams. ADE mainly uses the following three steps to construct a concept-drift oriented ensemble: for the current data window, 1) a new base classifier is constructed based on the current concept when drift detect, 2) MAD is used to measure the performance of ensemble members, and 3) a newly built classifier replaces the worst base classifier. If the newly constructed classifier is the worst one, the replacement has not occurred. Comparing with the state-of-art algorithms, ADE exceeds the current best-related algorithm by 2.38% in average classification accuracy. Experimental results show that the proposed method can effectively adapt to different types of drifts.
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