GPS Receiver Position Augmentation Using Correntropy Kalman Filter in Low Latitude Terrain
If any Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver is operated in low latitude regions or urban canyons, the visibility further reduces. These system constraints lead to many challenges in providing precise GPS position accuracy over the Indian subcontinent. As a result, the standalone GPS accuracy does not meet the aircraft landing requirements, such as Category I (CAT-I) Precision Approaches. However, the required accuracy can be achieved by augmenting the GPS. Among all these issues, the predominant factors that significantly influence the receiver position accuracy are selecting a user/receiver position estimation algorithm. In this article, a novel method is proposed based on correntropy and designated as Correntropy Kalman Filter (CKF) for precise GPS applications and GPS Aided Geosynchronous equatorial orbit Augmented Navigation (GAGAN) based aircraft landings over the low latitude Indian subcontinent. The real-world GPS data collected from a dual-frequency GPS receiver located in the southern region of the Indian subcontinent (IISc), Bangalore with Lat/Long: 13.021°N/ 77.5°E) is used for the performance evaluation of the proposed algorithm. Results prove that the proposed CKF algorithm exhibits significant improvement (up to 34%) in position estimation compared to the traditional Kalman Filter.
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