Reinforcement Energy Efficient ant Colony Optimization of Mobile Ad Hoc Multipath Routing Performance Enhancement
The Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) is a collection of mobile nodes that operates without infrastructure and is self-administrative. It often changes the topology called dynamic network. The nodes are in the dynamic network spending more energy on path finding that resultant the node quickly draining and being inactive in the network. To overcome this issue, propose an Improve Energy Capability Backup Route ant colony optimization (IEC-BR) algorithm for reducing energy usage, enhancing network lifetime, improving packet delivery, and decreasing end-to-end delay. The algorithm uses a backup route for minimizing the route researching and node energy preservation. Stability factors and Quality of Services (QoS) parameters help to enhance the network lifetime and QoS. The stability factor uses the node residual energy and the link lifetime. Hop count and bandwidth are used for the QoS parameters. The simulation result has proved the proposed IEC-BR technique improves packet delivery, node lifetime by 31% and reduces the network delay compared to the traditional Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV) and Multi Objective Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector (MOAODV) routing protocols.
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