
Enhanced Graph Based Approach for Multi Document Summarization
Summarizing documents catering the needs of an use r is tricky and challenging. Though there are varieties of
approaches, graphical methods have been quite popul arly investigated for summarizing document contents. This paper focus
its attention on two graphical methods namely(LexRa nk (threshold) and LexRank (Continuous) proposed by Erkan and Radev.
This paper proposes two enhancements to the above w ork investigated earlier by adding two more features to the existing one.
Firstly, discounting approach was introduced to for m a summary which ensures less redundancy among sen tences. Secondly,
position weight mechanism has been adopted to prese rve importance based on the position they occupy. Intrinsic evaluation
has been done with two data sets. Data set 1 has be en created manually from the news paper documents c ollected by us for
experiments. Data set 2 is from DUC 2002 data which is commercially available and distributed or accessed through National
Institute of Standards Technology (NIST). We have s hown that the based upon precision and recall param eters were
comprehensively better as compared to the earlier a lgorithms.
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