
Interactive Query Expansion using Concept-Based
Despite the advances in information retrieval the search engines still result in imprecise or poor results, mainly due
to the quality of the query being submitted. The query formulation to express their information need has always been
challenging for the users. In this paper, we have proposed an interactive query expansion methodology using Concept-Based
Directions Finder (CBDF). The approach determines the directions in which the search can be continued by the user using
Explicit Semantic Analysis (ESA) for a given query. The CBDF identifies the relevant terms with a corresponding label for
each of the directions found, based on the content and link structure of Wikipedia. The relevant terms identified along with its
label are suggested to the user for query expansion through the new visual interface proposed. The visual interface named as
terms mapper, accepts the query, and displays the potential directions and a group of relevant terms along with the label for
the direction chosen by the user. We evaluated the results of the proposed approach and the visual interfacefor the identified
queries. The experimental result shows that the approach produces a good Mean Average Precision (MAP) for the queries
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