
An Intelligent Approach of Sniffer Detection Abdul Nasir Khan, Kalim Qureshi, and Sumair Khan
ARP cache poisoning and putting host Network Inter face Card (NIC) in promiscuous mode are ways of sni ffer
attacks. ARP cache poisoning attack is effective in an environment which is not broadcast in nature (l ike switch LAN
environment) and other attack is effective in an en vironment which is broadcast in nature (like hub, b us, access point LAN
environments). Sniffing is malicious activity perfo rmed by network user and because of this network se curity is at risk so
detection of sniffer is essential task to maintain network security. Sniffer detection techniques can be divided into two main
categories. First category’s techniques are used to detect a sniffer host that runs it’s NIC into promiscuous mode and second
category’s techniques are used to detect a sniffer host that uses ARP cache poisoning for sniffing. Th e network configuration is
hidden form users. Network users do not have any in formation about nature of network. Therefore, users of network may
invoke such sniffer detection technique that is not effective in that environment. This may result in sharing of his private and
confidential information with malicious users. In t his paper, we designed an intelligent invocation mo dule that checks the
nature of environment automatically and invokes app ropriate, sniffer detection technique for that environment. With the help
of this invocation module it is possible to detect passive as well as active sniffer hosts in both env ironments.
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