
Design a Mini-Operating System for Mobile Phone Dhuha Albazaz
Due to the development witnessed in the field mobil e phone and the development of their operating syst ems added to
the increase in number of users and many businesses that have relied on them, a large number of programmers have started to
develop special operating systems for these phones and building applications that meet the demands of the users and facilitate
a great number of businesses. The proposed work is designing a mini-operating system for managing some special features of
the mobile phone. The operating system designed in this work is based on multitasking –multithreading with mixing of
preemptive and cooperative mode. The functions and features chose where those related to message manag ement for sending
and receiving SMS. Photo-album application also is chooses for managing and displaying images with dif ferent formats stored
in mobile memory, and contact application for displ aying names and phone numbers. This system can be c onsidered a starting
point to establish an integrated operating system f or mobile phones. As the internal memory for the mo bile phone is small, low
output size language J2ME has been used for program ming this operating system. J2ME relays on virtual machines which is
an implementation of KVM in its operating. This lan guage is characterized by its multiple channels and it is considered
appropriate for all low memory sets.
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