
A Robust Segmentation Approach for Noisy Medical Images Using Fuzzy Clustering With Spatial Probability
Image segmentation plays a major role in medical im aging applications. During last decades, developing robust
and efficient algorithms for medical image segmenta tion has been a demanding area of growing research interest. The
renowned unsupervised clustering method, Fuzzy C-Me ans (FCM) algorithm is extensively used in medical image
segmentation. Despite its pervasive use, convention al FCM is highly sensitive to noise because it segments images on the basis
of intensity values. In this paper, for the segment ation of noisy medical images, an effective approac h is presented. The
proposed approach utilizes histogram based Fuzzy C- Means clustering algorithm for the segmentation of medical images. To
improve the robustness against noise, the spatial p robability of the neighboring pixels is integrated in the objective function of
FCM. The noisy medical images are denoised, with th e help of an effective denoising algorithm, prior to segmentation, to
increase further the approach’s robustness. A compa rative analysis is done between the conventional FCM and the proposed
approach. The results obtained from the experimenta tion show that the proposed approach attains reliable segmentation
accuracy despite of noise levels. From the experime ntal results, it is also clear that the proposed approach is more efficient
and robust against noise when compared to that of t he FCM.
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