
An Enhanced Distributed Certificate Authority Scheme for Authentication in Mobile Ad-hoc
In Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs), it is easy to l aunch wormhole, man-in-the-middle and Denial of Ser vice
(DoS) attacks, or to impersonate another node. Our previous work established a network consisting confidentiality and
authentication of packets in both routing and link layers. As an extension to our previous work, in th is paper, we propose to
develop an enhanced distributed certificate authori ty scheme to provide data integrity, thus making the network more secure
from both inside and outside attacks. The proposed scheme makes use of Shamir’s secret sharing scheme along with a
redundancy technique to support certificate renewal and revocation. The malicious nodes are detected b y the trusting
mechanism by monitoring the behavior hop by hop. By simulation results, we show that the proposed scheme achieves more
packet delivery ratio while attaining less delay an d overhead, compared with the previous existing sch eme.
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