
Local Directional Pattern Variance (LDPv): A Robust Feature Descriptor for Facial
Automatic facial expression recognition is a challe nging problem in computer vision, and has gained si gnificant
importance in the applications of human-computer in teractions. The vital component of any successful expression recognition
system is an effective facial representation from f ace images. In this paper, we have derived an appea rance-based feature
descriptor, the Local Directional Pattern Variance (LDPv), which characterizes both the texture and co ntrast information of
facial components. The LDPv descriptor is a collect ion of Local Directional Pattern (LDP) codes weight ed by their
corresponding variances. The feature dimension is t hen reduced by extracting the most discriminative e lements of the
representation with Principal Component Analysis (P CA). The recognition performance based on our LDPv descriptor has
been evaluated using Cohn-Kanade expression databas e with a Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier. The discriminative
strength of LDPv representation is also assessed ov er a useful range of low resolution images. Experim ental results with
prototypic expressions show that the LDPv descripto r has achieved a higher recognition rate, as compared to other existing
appearance-based feature descriptors .
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