
Smoke Detection Algorithm based on Negative Sample Mining
Forest fire is one of the most dangerous disasters that threaten the safety of human life and property. In
order to detect fire in time, we detect the smoke when the fire breaks out. However, it is still a challenging task due
to the variations of smoke in color, texture, shape and the disturbances of smoke-like objects. Therefore, the
accuracy of smoke detection is not high, and it is accompanied by a high false positive rate, especially in the real
environment. To tackle this problem, this paper proposes a novel model based on Faster Region-based
Convolutional Network (R-CNN) which utilizes negative sample mining method. The proposed method allows the
model to learn more negative sample features, thereby reducing false positives in smoke detection. The experiments
are performed on self-created dataset containing 11958 images which are collected from cameras placed in
villages or towns and existing datasets. Compared to other smoke datasets, the self-created dataset is larger and
contains complex scenes. The proposed method achieves 94.59% accuracy, 94.35% precision and 5.76% false
positive rate on self-created dataset. The results show that the proposed network is better and more robust than
previous works.
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