
Performance Analysis of FCM Based ANFIS and
One of the major challenges confronted in the software industry is the software cost estimation. It is very much
related to, the decision making in an organization to bid, plan and budget the system that is to be developed. The basic
parameter in the software cost estimation is the development effort. It tend to be less accurate when computed manually. This
is because, the requirements are not specified accurately at the earlier stage of the project. So several methods were developed
to estimate the development effort such as regression, iteration etc. In this paper a soft computing based approach is
introduced to estimate the development effort. The methodology involves an Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS)
using the Fuzzy C Means clustering (FCM) and Subtractive Clustering (SC) technique to compute the software effort. The
methodology is compared with the effort estimated using an Elman neural network. The performance characteristics of the
ANFIS based FCM and SC are verified using evaluation parameters.
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