
Image Processing in Differential Digital
Accumulating dust on Charge-Coupled Device/Complementary Metal-oxide-Semiconductor (CCD/CMOS) sensors
can cause problems in detecting defects on observed object in some industrial production. This paper describes Differential
Digital Holography (DDH) and observed effect of cancelling the negative impact of dust on optical sensor. The laboratory
setup for recording digital holograms is described and shown graphically later in paper. Differential digital holography
method is presented step by step. Furthermore, negative effect of accumulating dust on CCD/CMOS sensor and cancelling
effect due to DDH method is explained. DDH method comprises of both hardware and software parts. Digital hologram
recording process takes place on hardware and all image, i.e., digital hologram, while processing is performed by intensive
calculations on processor. Experiments were conducted and graphical results are shown.
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