
A Multimedia Web Service Matchmaker Sid Midouni1,2, Youssef Amghar1, and Azeddine Chikh2 1Universit de Lyon, CNRS INSA-Lyon, France 2D partement d'informatique, Universit Abou Bekr Belkaid-Tlemcen, Alg rie
The full service approach for composing (MaaS) Multimedia as a Service in multimedia data retrieving, which we
have proposed in a previous work, is based on a four phases process: description; matching; clustering; and restitution. In this
article, we show how MaaS services are matched to meet user needs. Our matching algorithm consists of two steps: (1) the
domain matching step is based on the calculation of similarity degrees between the domain description of MaaS services and
user queries; (2) the multimedia matching step compares the multimedia description of MaaS services with user queries. The
multimedia description is defined as a SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language( SPARQL) query over multimedia
ontology. An experimentation in a medical domain allowed to evaluate the solution. The results indicate that using both
domain and multimedia matching considerably improve the performance of multimedia data retrieving systems.
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