HierarchicalRank: Webpage Rank Improvement Using HTML TagLevel Similarity
In the past researches, two types of algorithms are introduced that are query dependent and query independent,
works online or offline. PageRank Algorithm works offline independent to query while Hyperlink-Induced Topic Search (HITS)
algorithm woks online dependent on query. One of the problems of these algorithms is that, division of the rank is based on
number of inlinks, outlinks and different parameters used in hyperlink analysis which is dependent or independent to webpage
content with the problem of topic drift. Previous researches were focused to solve this problem using the popularity of the
outlink webpages. In this paper a novel algorithm for popularity measure is proposed based on similarity between query and
Hierarchical text extracted from source and target webpage using Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) tags importance
parameter. In this paper, result of proposed method is compared with PageRank Algorithm and Topic Distillation with Query
Dependent Link Connections and Page Characteristics results.
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