
RNN-LSTM Based Beta-Elliptic Model for Online Handwriting Script Identification
Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) has achieved the state-of-the-art performance in a wide range of applications
dealing with sequential input data. In this context, the proposed system aims to classify the online handwriting scripts based on
their labelled pseudo-words. To avoid the vanishing gradient problem, we have used a variant of recurrent network with Long
Short-Term Memory. The representation of the sequential aspect of the data is done through the beta-elliptic model. It allows
extracting the dynamics and kinematics profiles of different strokes constituting a script over the time. This system was assessed
with a large vocabulary containing scripts from ADAB, UNIPEN and PENDIGIT databases. The experiments results show the
effectiveness of the proposed system which reached a high recognition rate with only one recurrent layer and using the dropout
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