
Building a Syntactic-Semantic Interface for aSemi- Automatically Generated TAG for Arabic
Syntactic and semantic resources play an important role for various Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks by
providing information about the correct structural representations of the sentences and their meaning. To date, there is not a
wide-coverage electronic grammar for the Arabic language. In this context, we present a new approach for building a Tree
Adjoining Grammar (TAG) to represent the syntax and the semantic of modern standard Arabic. This grammar is produced
semi-automatically with the eXtensible MetaGrammar (XMG) description language. First the syntax of Arabic is described
using the defined Arab-XMG meta-grammar. Then semantic information is added by introducing semantic frame-based
dimension into the meta-grammar. This is achieved by exploiting lexical resources such as ArabicVerbNet. Finally, the link
between semantic and syntax is established using a syntax-semantic interface that allows the construction of sentence meaning
through semantic role labeling. Experiments were performed to check grammar coverage as well as the syntactic-semantic
analysis. The results showed that the generated grammar can cover the basic syntactic structures of Arabic sentences and the
different phrasal structures with a precision rate of about 92%. Moreover, it confirms the effectiveness of the proposed
approach as we were able to parse semantically a set of sentences and build their semantic representations with a precision
rate of about 72%.
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