
A new Model of Multi-Key Generation for RFID Access Control System
When studying traditional access control models, one could conclude that they have been proven inefficient in
handling modern security threats, with access decisions influenced by several factors, including situational, environmental
and risk factors. Accordingly, several studies have proposed risk-aware access control models to overcome the limitations of
the traditional models. In this paper, the authors continue to improve on a previously proposed risk adaptive hybrid access
control system, in which risk assessment is performed using a multilevel fuzzy inference system, by introducing an enhanced
multi-key model for generating the symmetric encryption key dynamically for each user on demand. Consequently, the
proposed model helps in solving the issue of having a single point of failure caused by employing a master encryption key, as
in the previous models. The experimental results show that the proposed multi-key model does, indeed, improve the overall
security of the system while preserving the previous model architecture and with negligible processing overhead.
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