
Bayesian Information Criterion in LTE Downlink Scheduling Algorithm
Real time multimedia has been a major trend in people daily life. With the rise of demands in faster internet
connection for multimedia purpose, Long Term Evolution (LTE) has been used as a medium of transmission to fulfil these
demands. Still, the need of handling multiple simultaneous multimedia transmission, either voice or audio is a challenge that
LTE is facing. Many proportional fairness scheduling algorithms have been implemented in LTE such as Modified Largest
Weighted Delay First (M-LWDF) that can handle up to 90 users in a single cell simultaneously with good bandwidth
distribution. Yet there is still room for improvement as the allocation for simultaneous transmission of video and VoIP are
affected by other best effort flows. Best effort flow such as internet surfing does not require a huge amount of bandwidth
allocation whereas a sufficient amount from the best effort bandwidth allocation for best effort can be reallocated to video and
VoIP flows. Hence, an adaptive algorithm named Criterion-Based Algorithm (C-B), Criterion-Based Proportional Fairness
(C-BPF) and Criterion-Based Modified Largest Weighted Delay First (C-BMLWDF) based on Bayesian Information Criterion
(BIC) had been proposed by the author. The result simulation of the solution had shown a better performance in throughput,
delay, packet loss and fairness index of both video and VoIP transmission with a respective allocation for the best effort flow.
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