The International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT)


A Rule-Based Algorithm for the Detection of Arud Meter in Classical Arabic Poetry

Arud is the science of poems used in Arabic, Persian, Urdu, and other eastern languages. Determining the Arud meter of classical Arabic poems is a difficult and tiresome task for those who study poetry. In this paper, we focus on the computerized analysis of Arabic Arud meter. We introduce an algorithm that is able to determine the correct Arud meter for a given Arabic poem and is also able to convert the poem into Arud Writing. The algorithm is based on a set of well defined rules applied only on the first part (sadr ردص) of the poem verse. The algorithm consists of five main steps. The preliminary tests are quite satisfactory and the algorithm gave high accuracy. The algorithm can be used in systems that handle Arabic poetry such as information retrieval systems or teaching Arabic poetry for students.

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