
Application of Computational Geometry in Coal Mine Roadway 3D Localization
The Voronoi diagram principle in the computational geometry was researched and the relationship between the
anchor nodes and Voronoi diagram was analyzed in this paper. A new arrangement method of coal mine roadway nodes was
proposed to construct the Voronoi diagram of the roadway on the basis of new node arrangement method and increase
numerous virtual anchor nodes for the roadway space under the condition of no increase of network cost and increase the
number of anchor nodes communicating with the sensor nodes. Through the combination with the range-free DV-Hop
algorithm, the scheme of coal mine roadway localization was proposed to finally achieve the localization of underground
roadway. The simulation results show that, compared to the traditional range-free algorithm, the algorithm in this paper can
more accurately estimate the location of the nodes under the same network condition. The increase of the positioning accuracy
of the algorithm can suit the node localization of underground wireless sensor network in coal mine.
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