The International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT)


Semantic Interoperability Model in Healthcare Internet of Things Using Healthcare Sign

The healthcare sector has experienced significant technological advances; however, interoperability is one of the biggest challenges. Interoperability in healthcare refers to the capacity to communicate across different healthcare environments. The format, language, syntax, and interpretation of data differ from one healthcare setting to another. Therefore, the lack of interoperability hampers effective communication and data exchange between two healthcare settings. Following the introduction of the Internet of Things (IoT) in healthcare, document-level interoperability is no longer the sole concern; device-level interoperability is also critical. This paper introduces a new Sign Description Framework for healthcare IoT called Healthcare Sign Description Framework (HSDF). Three different signs in healthcare, namely the Vital sign, Medication sign, and Symptom sign, are discussed here. Our proposal demonstrates how interoperability can be achieved using the novel healthcare sign description framework. Implementation of this framework will lead to improved diagnosis and increased cost-effectiveness of treatment.


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